
Viking Pathways

Combining college preparatory coursework with real-world, work-based experiences in high-demand fields within a Catholic education enriched in tradition, faith & service.

College Prep and Career Ready

An innovative curriculum designed to seamlessly merge St. Elizabeth High School's distinguished College Preparatory program with real-world, work-based experiences in the fields of Medicine, Education, Business, or Technology.
A forward-thinking educational approach offering student option as they navigate their academic journey while preparing for a career in their desired pathway. By combining college preparatory coursework with practical, hands-on training, students experience a unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge, skills, and industry exposure.
This program supports the mission of St. Elizabeth School: to foster spiritual development, academic excellence, responsibility to self, and service to others. Students earn a well-rounded education, rooted in Catholic values, academic rigor, and preparation for success beyond high school.

Viking Pathways adapts and expands as students progress through their academic journey. Recognizing students' interests and career aspirations may change over time, the program offers flexibility for students to choose a different pathway at the start of their Junior year. This flexibility empowers students to explore various career options, align their education with their evolving goals, and fosters ownership and self-advocacy over their educational experience.
Furthermore, Viking Pathways acknowledges that some students may want to pursue a work-based learning pathway, and some may prefer to focus on traditional, college-preparatory courses. To address these varying preferences, the program offers the option for students to engage in traditional coursework. This forward-thinking approach ensures that Viking Pathways accommodates all learning styles and unique educational goals.
Additionally, the program recognizes the importance of academic rigor and collaboration with local universities, allowing students in both Viking Pathways and traditional courses to participate in advanced programs such as Honors, AP, or Dual Enrollment courses. This commitment to academic excellence ensures that all students have equal access to challenging coursework and a pathway that can truly meet their diverse learning journeys.

-Ms. Ashley Kelly, Academic Dean & Mathematics Teacher

"Viking Pathways helps shape our students for the future; for college and beyond. As a previous Business Analyst, I know the skills learned in this program, regardless of the pathway, can have an impact on future careers and readiness for college courses."

Viking Pathways Program

Contact us to learn why our integrated approach is the perfect choice for your high school experience.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Patrick Jordan

    Patrick Jordan 

    High School Principal

List of 1 members.